The Democrats are Trying to Distract You
Cassidy Hutchinson is the latest "conservative" to make unsubstantiated claims about the former President in an effort to distract from the Democrats failures.
Cassidy Hutchinson testifies before the January 6 committee this week.
When Trump won the Presidency in 2016, it shocked the nation. I remember going to sleep on election day thinking Hillary was going to win, only to wake up to the news that she had lost. It was all anyone could talk about at school the next day. Everyone, even Hillary’s most staunch opposition, thought she would win.
When she did not, the media immediately went into a frenzy. In their scramble to bash the President-elect, they published dozens of verifiably false stories. Many of these would be proven false within hours of CNN or The New York Times putting stories out. None of these false allegations were as damaging and persuasive as Russiagate.
We all know the story now, Trump colluded with Putin to flood social media with false information about the election. In return, Trump was Russia’s puppet. This was yelled from mountaintops by Rachel Maddow and Brian Stelter and presented as irrefutable fact. Turns out, it was all completely false.
Now that Russiagate has been completely debunked, the January 6 committee has taken its place as the most repeated lie from the left. In its most recent allegation, Cassidy Hutchinson claimed that after his rally on January 6, Trump tried to wrestle the wheel of the Presidential SUV away from a Secret Service agent in a fit of anger. In her story, his goal is to reach Capitol Hill to be with his supporters.
There are multiple problems with her story. One, it is admittedly second-hand information. Ms. Hutchinson was not present when this happened. Anyone who has taken a basic criminal law course can tell you that this sort of testimony would be objected to in a real criminal trial. The committee has come out and said they believe the testimony is “credible.” It seems to be as credible as the allegations Brett Kavanaugh faced during his confirmation.
The story quickly developed further when Peter Alexander of NBC stated that a “source close to the secret service” told him that the driver and lead agent would be willing to testify under oath that what Cassidy claimed never happened. They did admit that he was extremely upset but denied that he tried to grab the wheel or wrestle the driver. While this is also hearsay, it is at least as credible as any of the claims made by Mark Meadow’s former aide.

Conservatives have had real, lasting victories recently in American politics. Trump, while not president anymore, has still made his presence felt. He and Mitch McConnell deserve a lot of credit for the Justice picks and I believe the American people mostly recognize which side is making real progress for them. They can try to bring more attention to these unsubstantiated allegations, but they will fail, and they will lose this November.