Biden appeals to his most radical voters in his latest moves
Biden has announced that he will be disciplining two border patrol agents who were found innocent by an official investigation.
Cancel culture has invaded so many different aspects of American culture. It represents one of the most toxic parts of modern-day progressivism in the West and its most recent victims are two Border Patrol agents that the Biden administration recently announced would be receiving disciplinary actions for allegedly whipping migrants at the southern border. This was announced after the official investigation of the incident cleared both agents of criminal wrongdoing.
The incident went viral on social media last year after multiple media outlets posted pictures of what looked like the agents on horseback whipping Haitian migrants. When the Biden administration was asked about it Jen Psaki called the images “obviously horrific.” Kamala Harris stated that she was “deeply troubled” and called for an investigation into what happened.
Biden promised at the time to make the agents “pay.” Now they have both been found innocent of wrongdoing, and it has been established that the ‘whips’ in the images were actually long reins that had flown out because of the horse’s movements. But in order to keep his promise to the most radical members of his party, he has decided to put in place punishments anyways. While I am not sure what Biden plans to do, any sort of punishment is completely unjustified and is only being proposed because of political reasons. These men were simply doing their jobs.
The left’s disapproval of I.C.E. is not a secret. Many of them have suggested abolishing it altogether. The Democrats have no interest in securing our southern border because giving illegal aliens citizenship gives them millions of new voters. In order to get others on board, they call those who oppose their plans bigots and racists. This has been very effective in silencing opposition and scaring people into agreeing with the mob.
The outrage over this incident was purely political. That is why these men are being punished. Biden, instead of supporting and protecting the people protecting our borders, protecting us, has decided that virtue signaling and political grandstanding are more important than the truth. The loud minority of people that cheer this on will be happy, but I believe most Americans will see how unjust these actions are.
It is important to take our time when making conclusions, especially when the topic invokes strong emotional reactions from people. This is an instance where the left did not carefully analyze this situation and because of that, they made fools of themselves. They have now doubled down and ignored reality because it is inconvenient for them. It is time to speak out against that and demand real justice and accountability from our leaders, not political persecutions that hurt innocent people and do not address real issues.
another great article!!
Lies. The report DID find that the agents DID USE "unnecessary force." Why non-skeptical "leftists" on Twitter think you're a leftist I have no idea. Anyway, here's an actual story about the actual report.